We have a wide array of educational sessions waiting for you at AFP ICON 2023. Whether you want to master leadership, relationship building, securing the gift, trends and innovation, or all of the above, AFP has the latest and greatest information to unlock your fundraising potential. More Sessions to Come.
Current & Prospective Donor Research (Sponsored by iWave)
Ethics, Accountability & Professionalism (Sponsored by Brakeley Briscoe)
Health Care (Sponsored by DonorSearch, Curated by Advancement Resources)
Leadership & Management (Sponsored by Lindauer Global)
The Future of Fundraising: Why Philanthropy is in Trouble– and How to Save It
Every single day, potential donors are turned off by arcane or off-putting fundraising methods. In this talk, Lisa Greer sounds the alarm– and discusses the applicable fundraising solutions that will save your nonprofit.
Education Track(s): Relationship Building
Rebels, Renegades and Pioneers
Solving the Childcare Crisis in the Nonprofit Sector
With many women forced out of the workforce during the pandemic, how can we create inclusive workplace policies that are family-friendly and allow our employees to thrive both personally and professionally given the lack of options for working parents at this juncture?
Education Track(s): Leadership and Management
Rebels, Renegades and Pioneers
Philanthropic Justice: Loving Humanity in Its Fullness
In its purest form, “philanthropy” means love of humanity. “Philos” means love; “Anthropos” means mankind or humanity. Love, bell hooks reminds us, is a combination of care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect, trust, justice, and equity. Do your philanthropic efforts demonstrate your organization's love for ALL of humanity? What might it mean to practice philanthropic justice in the face of egregious and blatant injustice? This session brings together a panel of experts and philanthropic practitioners working in the deep South to advance equity, and justice, and uplift the human spirit through our collective work—a deep and abiding love for all humanity. We will discuss philanthropy's role in catalyzing and fueling social justice movements, and the principles of philanthropic justice and answer your questions regarding how you and your organizations can begin to engage in the transformative work of doing philanthropic justice.
Education Track(s): Relationship Building
Rebels, Renegades and Pioneers
A (Cis) Man’s Place Is in This Session: No, Really, Come to This Session
Do you get a sense that womxn in the field have a heavy load to bear? Feel like some men are making all men look bad? Wondering what YOU could do/not do about it? You don’t have to be that guy any more. Come learn how to help seed change.
Education Track(s): Ethics, Accountability and Professionalism
Rebels, Renegades and Pioneers
The Roots Run Deep: Disrupting Institutional Racism & Unethical Behavior As a Leader
Now that you’ve realized your organization has a history of racism and a culture of unethical behavior, what do you do? What happens when employees, board members, and major donors oppose the disruption of those systems? Learn how to dig deep and strategically uproot these weeds in your organizational culture.
Eligible for 1.25 ACFRE credits in Leadership or Management
Education Track(s): Leadership and Management
Rebels, Renegades and Pioneers