We have a wide array of educational sessions waiting for you at AFP ICON 2023. Whether you want to master leadership, relationship building, securing the gift, trends and innovation, or all of the above, AFP has the latest and greatest information to unlock your fundraising potential. More Sessions to Come.
Current & Prospective Donor Research (Sponsored by iWave)
Ethics, Accountability & Professionalism (Sponsored by Brakeley Briscoe)
Health Care (Sponsored by DonorSearch, Curated by Advancement Resources)
Leadership & Management (Sponsored by Lindauer Global)
Future of Fundraising Now - Fundraising Internationally (CANCELLED)
Learning from two engaging speakers who have raised money from international donors, review how fundraising and philanthropy varies in different regions of the globe and why you should be looking for donors internationally. Come away with new knowledge about potential new donors you can put into action immediately.
Managing Up: Turning Your CEO into a Fundraising Rock Star
Empower your apprehensive CEO to become comfortable fundraising. While raising philanthropic dollars is the ultimate goal, in the end we all know it's about relationships. Learn how to coach your CEO to turn these relationships into increased funds. It is easier than you think!
Facets of Advancement Services: Avoiding Silos in the Pursuit of Institutional Advancement
What are the key functions of advancement services? How do you use this knowledge to work closely with your colleagues and fundraising counterparts? How does this work in the stewardship and cultivation of constituents? This session highlights how advancement services can be used to avoid silos in fundraising.
In 2021, the Greater New Orleans Foundation, with the University of New Orleans Department of Political Science, released The State of Nonprofits in Southeast Louisiana 2021 - Adaptability And Racial Equity in Year One of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Report findings demonstrated a regional gap in nonprofit racial leadership and identified a variety of challenges nonprofit leaders of color encountered as fundraisers for their organizations. The Foundation committed to closing that gap through grantmaking, focused programming, and strategic collaborations. During the same period, the AFP Greater New Orleans Chapter continued their efforts to center inclusion, diversity, equity, and access (IDEA) by hosting several equity-focused programs. Though the Chapter experienced significant financial loss, they committed to offer free programming during the pandemic. As nonprofits in southeastern Louisiana grappled with the long-term impact of the pandemic on fundraising possibilities, the two organizations created a unique partnership to advance IDEA in the fundraising, nonprofit, and philanthropic sectors.
The Future of Fundraising: Why Philanthropy is in Trouble– and How to Save It
Every single day, potential donors are turned off by arcane or off-putting fundraising methods. In this talk, Lisa Greer sounds the alarm– and discusses the applicable fundraising solutions that will save your nonprofit.
Education Track(s): Relationship Building
Rebels, Renegades and Pioneers
Shifting the Donor Landscape Paradigm: Strategies to Increase Engagement and Philanthropy among Donors of Color (Sponsored by Fundraising Academy)
This two-part session will allow participants to assess their organization’s diverse constituency landscape and establish a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) action plan to embed into their
current fundraising initiatives. In the first half of the session, participants will work in small
groups to assess their organization’s DEI goals, shortfalls, and opportunities. The second half of
the session is designed to introduce DEI strategies that align with their fundraising plans and
priorities. Participants will leave with a tangible action plan they can use to improve their
individual donor engagement and the operations within their organization.
Amplifying Impact Through Workplace Giving (Presented by Blackbaud)
Workplace giving can be a way to introduce giving and volunteering to potential donors and volunteers. To the uninitiated, they can look like anonymous donors. But like DAF donors, employees who give and volunteer through the workplace are intentional in their giving. For nonprofits they represent people who are interested in the cause, have already decided to give of time or treasure, and therefore represent a strong candidate to develop into a more significant donor.
This session will be a panel discussion with a Corporate Social Responsibility executive, a board member from The Blackbaud Giving Fund, and an experienced fundraising executive. This group will discuss how these programs work from the offering to the employee, to funding grants through the DAF, to stewardship and fundraising activities at the nonprofit.
Tycely Williams, CFRE, Executive Master's, Certificate in Philanthropic Psychology
Sun, Apr 16, 2023
10:45am - 12:00pm
An Introduction to Latinx Fundraising
The Latinx population at almost 20% of the population is largely unengaged in giving, fundraising and nonprofits. How do we reverse this historic and chronic trend at your organization? Stop walking past great donor and learn to engage them.
During the peak of the racial uprising in 2020, the Detroit Justice Center went from an organization with 300 donors to nearly 20,000 overnight. Donors from across the world were responding to the racial justice crisis. But, what would shift them to long-term investment in a movement?
Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover: Unlock the Value of Every Donor
Getting to know donors as people who have unique lived experiences, values, and intentions, leads to transformational gifts. Using the story of a donor who went from a $5,000 gift to a $9.5 million bequest, learn how to listen for the clues that lead to the next ask.
Inclusive Philanthropy: Who Gives, How, and With What Impact
New research from the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy demonstrates that giving by donors of color and women is shifting the philanthropic landscape, highlighting the importance of developing a more inclusive set of philanthropic practices. This session guides participants through the research and how it can increase giving by all.
Being A Black Male In Fundraising-The Conversation Continues
I’d rather not work with “that” person. I don’t have a problem with him, but… These are things that have been said about Black Men in Fundraising. This will be a safe space to talk about real situations and the outcomes. This session is open to everyone that has experienced racism as well as anyone willing and wanting to learn how to be more aware of those situations. Come with an open mind and be ready to listen and share!
This panel discussion features experts in clinician engagement who will describe how they started from scratch, selected clinician champions and equipped them for success. Presenters will also describe how their strategic approach to events and major gifts has helped to propel their success.
Education Track(s): Relationship Building
Health Care (Sponsored by DonorSearch, Curated by Advancement Resources)
Beyond Sponsorship: Winning Strategies for Driving Impact through Corporate Partnership Innovation
Amplify impact by moving beyond traditional event sponsorship or corporate philanthropy towards innovative, value-add corporate partnerships. Learn the mindset required to leverage these types of partnerships, and key ingredients for success. See Canadian examples including The Black Entrepreneur Startup Program, an innovative partnership between Futurpreneur Canada and RBC.
Donor Acquisition vs Donor Retention: Where to focus your money
Some will tell you to focus on acquisition. Others will tell you to focus on retention. Both are important, but do you know when you should apply time and energy to each? We are going to deep dive into the age old argument and understand when to invest in each.
Trauma-Informed Fundraising - Understanding Your Role and the Donors
Nonprofit organizations utilize trauma-informed care to promote hope, healing, and resilience to individuals, families, groups, and communities. Understanding the science of trauma-informed care, adverse childhood experiences, resilience, and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) and adopting a practical trauma-informed approach to fundraising leads to meaningful conversations that foster collaboration.
Are You a Buffalo or a Cow? Lessons in Turning Adversity into Trust
Cows and buffalo have different approaches to surviving storms. It’s a great metaphor for fundraising professionals. It’s how we respond to the storm that makes all the difference with our donors, board members, and your team.
Knowing how to make an ask is a fundamental tool that many fundraisers lack confidence and experience in, leaving us distracted by gimmicks, events and 'yet another' campaign. In this session you will get practical tips for an ask, and practice your ask, while eliminating fears along the way.
Donor Magnetism: How to Create Messages that Attract and Retain Donors (Presented by DonorPerfect)
This session will explore effective communication strategies for capturing donors' attention and cutting through the noise in today's crowded and competitive fundraising landscape. Attendees will learn how to craft compelling messages that resonate with donors, using persuasive storytelling and emotionally engaging imagery. A key focus of this session will be on understanding the impact of storytelling on donor engagement and how storytelling is strengthened with the use of donor personas. Attendees will walk away from this session understanding their organization’s unique donor personas and how to create messages that stand out in order to increase donor engagement and drive impact for their organization.
Philanthropic Justice: Loving Humanity in Its Fullness
In its purest form, “philanthropy” means love of humanity. “Philos” means love; “Anthropos” means mankind or humanity. Love, bell hooks reminds us, is a combination of care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect, trust, justice, and equity. Do your philanthropic efforts demonstrate your organization's love for ALL of humanity? What might it mean to practice philanthropic justice in the face of egregious and blatant injustice? This session brings together a panel of experts and philanthropic practitioners working in the deep South to advance equity, and justice, and uplift the human spirit through our collective work—a deep and abiding love for all humanity. We will discuss philanthropy's role in catalyzing and fueling social justice movements, and the principles of philanthropic justice and answer your questions regarding how you and your organizations can begin to engage in the transformative work of doing philanthropic justice.
Education Track(s): Relationship Building
Rebels, Renegades and Pioneers
Breaking the Generational Divide - A Key to Legacy Success
The session breaks down the differences and similarities between generations from a socioeconomic, political, and cultural perspective; what makes every generation special and how to start a legacy conversation. The goal is to look beyond today and start planning for the future by engaging with the legacy donors of tomorrow.
How to Create an Integrated and Inclusive Development and Communications Plan
Relationships are at the core of fundraising and effective communications strengthen relationships. It's crucial to integrate your development and communications initiatives in strategic and inclusive ways. This session will help attendees walk away with an effective plan that can help strengthen engagement, raise revenue, increase productivity, and advance equity.
Road Map for Big Donors: Secrets From How Raise Millions Dollars
How to achieve fundraising goals increasingly audacious in the current scenario? Come and see how it is possible to reach millions of dollars when you build the perfect road map for big donors. The session will provide practical tools on how to engage and cultivate strong relationships with philanthropists.
What factors actually drive donor loyalty and retention? Are the factors that drive how donors expect to behave, the same factors that drive how they actually behave? What are the implications for how we should be managing loyalty? This session will unveil our new longitudinal research on exactly these issues.
“Fundraising is life” how to reenergize yourself and your fundraising
“Please put on your oxygen mask before helping others” We’ve all heard this before, well, this session IS your oxygen mask. Join Clay and Lynne to explore how the human side of fundraising has changed in recent years and how to respond to these upheavals. We have faced more than a pandemic; we have faced racial and social injustice, the great resignation, civil conflict, working from our living rooms and much more. Regardless of how we perform the tasks and execute strategies, fundraising is a relationship-based profession. WHY we choose our profession and that we choose ourselves as much as we choose to serve others is essential. Using the framework of Recognize, Reveal, and Reframe we will build a model for attendees to follow and build upon. This interactive session, complete with workbook, allows the attendee and the speakers to connect over common experiences and will help guide positive future outcomes.
Donor Advised Funds, Community Foundations, and You: Working Together to Grow Philanthropy
Do donor advised funds frustrate or excite you? Learn how to collaborate with your community foundation to bring more money not just your mission but to your community as a whole. DAF is NOT a four-letter word.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising: How to mobilize your donors and build a thriving community (Presented Givebutter)
Interested in peer-to-peer fundraising or eager to improve your P2P campaigns? This interactive workshop will dive into the four key elements of a successful grassroots peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising campaign: setting intentions, storytelling, segmentation, and supporter mobilization. Givebutter’s Floyd Jones will share real-world campaign examples, highlight best practices and technology for optimized P2P fundraising, and facilitate individual reflections and small group breakout discussions, full-group share-outs, and Q&A. Participants will leave with individualized game plans for their own P2P campaigns.